Cat Sweater
Sweater Design Competition
冠軍作品 champion : Lee Sum Yin Alyssa 李心妍
Design Idea
A cat from the neighbouring shop of my drawing class often comes and stays with me when I am creating art work, so I thought of the cat when I designed this sweater. The heart, rainbow and plant represent the love and hope. I wish everyone’s life is happy and full of love and hope.
Mini Kardi與聖公會聖約瑟堂暨社會服務中心於暑假期間合辦是次設計比賽,將得獎作品製成產品發售並捐贈收益予慈善機構,以行動讓小朋友相信他們的天馬行空意念可以成真,鼓勵他們保持對世界的創造力及善心。
Mini Kardi and SKH St. Joseph’s Church & Social Centre collaborated for this competition in summer. By turning the winning designs into real products in market and donating the profit to the charity, we aim to encourage and show the children that their imagination can come true, and to support the kids to keep up the creativity and empathy to the world.
- 100% soft cotton